Thursday, February 28, 2019

Understanding Youth Civic Spaces

By Elliard Village Helper Kupfuma

Youth civic spaces are environments in which youth participation in civic action is fostered. It is the corridors and structures that provide opportunities for young people to engage in critical discussion, dialogue, and action. The impression of youth civic space includes the formal and informal places in which youth civic engagement can occur and their lived understanding of those places contributes to young people's development as civic actors.

At the core of youth civic spaces is the belief that young people can and should play a role in creating change in their communities. This perspective assumes young people to be active agents of change and encourages young peoples' development of skills and knowledge to support their efforts to work in teams as change makers. When young people come together, intentionally, to participate and influence decisions and institutions that impact their lives, they are engaging in real change. At a time when many young Zimbabweans have reduced their civic engagement, some youth are taking initiative at the community level, and some community-based organizations are establishing educational programs to promote their participation. These programs originate in economically dis-invested and racially segregated areas whose young people require and receive “education for democracy.”

Zimbabwe is a land with honey and milk just like any other land, just that the taste is different, Section 61 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (no. 20) Act 2013 allows for freedom of expression and freedom of the media yet it is continuously violated by the state as there is no freedom after expression in Zimbabwe. Communicating an idea can lend you in jail in Zimbabwe as long as it is political and against the ruling government.

Most activists in Zimbabwe have been arrested and assaulted by the police, time and again for exercising their right of Freedom of expression. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. Freedom of speech is a prerequisite for democracy and patron of societal development. Zimbabwe cannot reform out of dictatorship if fundamental rights like freedom of expression are being violated. Freedom of expression allows free flow of ideas and opinions at the same time creating a wealth of ideas and drives innovation.

Defending civic space is not the responsibility of only one part of civil society such as human rights organizations or activists. It is the diversity, breadth and vibrancy of civil society that has the potential to successfully regain and create civic space. Committed and coordinated actions from activists, academics, journalists, civil society organizations, progressive policy makers and other allies are needed to reverse the trend of shrinking civic space. It is a generational mandate for you(th) to participate in regaining our spaces.

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